
Materials Matters


Electricity is used for our office operations at the HP Division, powering basic office appliances such as air-conditioning units crucial for maintaining comfortable working environments, computers, lighting, and security systems for ensuring the safety of personnel and assets.

We have a few petrol-based company vehicles but we generally do not incur a significant amount of fuel in our operations. Nevertheless, we have begun to develop processes to collect data relating to our company vehicles, business travel, and employee commuting which will be disclosed in our next year’s sustainability statement.

Performance in FY2024

Energy Consumption


Energy Intensity


  FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
Electricity purchased from TNB (kWh)* 318,196 463,951 429,134***
Solar/ renewable fuel consumption (kWh)** N/A 17,223 41,400
Total energy consumption (kWh) 318,196 481,174 470,534
Total floor areas (m2) 4,888 4,888 4,888
Energy intensity (kWh/m2) 65.10 98.44 96.26

* derived from electricity bills
** derived from solar panels system power generation reports
*** excludes electricity bills for approximate 2 periods of actual electricity utilisation for 2 premises during the end of the financial year, that had not been received by the HP Division during the finalisation of this Statement

GHG Emissions

We currently report our Scope 2 GHG emissions which are derived from electricity purchased from TNB.

We have also begun to develop processes to collect data and estimate our Scope 1 and Scope 3 emissions, focusing on Category 6 - Business Travel and Category 7 - Employee Commuting, as required to be disclosed by the MMLR in the future.

The HP Division continues to take proactive efforts to manage and optimise energy and emissions usage, aiming to bolster energy and emissions efficiency in alignment with global initiatives to combat climate change. We promote responsible electricity usage in our operations, such as powering down equipment and appliances when not in use and utilising natural lighting, ventilation, and cooling, to reduce our energy consumption and emissions.

Performance in FY2024

Scope 1 and
Scope 2 emissions


Emission intensity


  FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
Scope 2 emissions - electricity consumption (tCO2e)* 241.19 351.67 325.28
Total emissions (tCO2e) 241.19 351.67 325.28
Total floor areas (m2) 4,888 4,888 4,888
Emission intensity (tCO2e/m2) 0.05 0.07 0.07

* FY2022 and FY2023 emissions from purchased electricity were restated, using the latest Grid Emission Factor, i.e. for year 2021, provided by the Energy Commission of Malaysia. Reference: Grid Emission Factor (GEF) in Malaysia, 2017-2021,

Our Solar Project

We have initiated and completed the installation of solar panels system at our Klang office, which has the capacity to generate around 61,776 kWh of electricity annually subject to weather conditions, offsetting approximately 41 metric tonnes of CO2 annually. Continuing our efforts, we commenced the installation of a solar panels system at our Kuala Lumpur headquarters which was commissioned in December 2023. This installation is estimated to generate 33,961 kWh of electricity, offsetting 14 metric tonnes of CO2 annually.

Recycling and Waste Management

In our operations, no hazardous or scheduled waste is generated. The primary non-hazardous waste produced by the HP Division is paper waste. As paper waste may contain sensitive information like customer data, we have implemented a structured waste management process where wastepaper containing sensitive data is collected in designated bins and sent for shredding by professional service vendors. Where possible, the shredded materials are recycled.

The adoption of digital payment channels has significantly reduced the need for paper documentation. Additionally, initiatives like enabling double-sided printing on all printers and photocopiers, as well as promoting eco-friendly practices among our employees, further contribute to minimising paper consumption.

Performance in FY2024

100% of our 2.47 tonnes of paper waste is recycled by our outsourced shredding service vendor

  FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
Waste Generated (tonnes)      
Hazardous waste (kg) 0 0 0
Non-hazardous waste (kg)      
Comprising of:
Paper waste
1.38 20.47 2.47
Waste Diverted from Disposal      
Non-hazardous waste
Recycling (off-site)
1.38 20.47 2.47
Waste Directed to Disposal      
Non-hazardous waste
Recycling (off-site)
insignificant insignificant insignificant