As a responsible employer, we are committed to ensuring the well-being of our employees by upholding human rights, promoting fair labour practices and standards, and preventing discrimination and sexual harassment. Our stance in these areas is addressed in the Group’s human resources policies.
The Group ensures equal employment opportunity and treatment to all employees, across all our human resources management practices from recruitment, ongoing appraisals, to career development, regardless of their gender, age, ethnicity, culture, sex, disability, religion, and any other status. A Board-level policy has also been established to ensure gender diversity at the leadership level. The Group is committed to creating a harmonious work environment that is free from discrimination and any abusive, offensive, or harassing behaviour.
Hire Purchase Financing Division
- Employees by Gender
(as at 31 March 2024)
Hire Purchase Financing Division
- Employees by Ethnicity
(as at 31 March 2024)
Hire Purchase Financing Division
- Employees by Age Group
(as at 31 March 2024)
With an operation that involves handling cash, we are cognisant of the safety risks to our employees, which may be threatened by incidents of robbery and burglary. To keep our operations and employees safe, we implemented various security measures throughout our operations and facilities, such as installing closed-circuit televisions (“CCTVs”), hiring security guards, implementing security management, and engaging security service providers in relation to certain cash-handling activities. Besides, the expansion of online payment alternatives has also helped to mitigate risks associated with handling cash.
We periodically assess occupational safety and health risks at our operations to maintain a secure working environment.
In addition, we also prioritise the mental well-being of our employees. In FY2023, the Group launched the We Hear You (“WHY”) event, aimed at encouraging our employees to openly discuss their welfare and mental health. This initiative allowed us to assess and monitor the mental wellbeing of our workforce while fostering a positive organisational culture. We continued to carry out the WHY event in FY2024.